The Noctunarum Vows revisited

The first installment in the Noctunarum Vows
As I drove home from Columbus this afternoon, my mind wandered thinking through some up coming plot points in my Render drafting. Characters, clashing motivations and desires, overarching meta-plot, and geography flit through my thoughts when suddenly Olivia, my narrator for my urban fantasy short stories series, elbowed her way into my stream of conscious.  Reading back over this short story, there are some tweaks I would make to Liv's voice, but I don't have time to play with Liv and Cerise right now.

Instead, I decided to re-post the pdf of this short story for anyone who hasn't had a chance to read it.  This is the first installment in an urban fantasy series of short stories that I began two years ago in December 2008. I would like to get back to Liv and Cerise's adventures once Render is, to mix media metaphors, in the can, because I truly love writing urban fantasy and I want to expand this world's mythology and continue the girls' story.  Enjoy!

The River


Anonymous said…
I loved this. Pittsburgh born and bred, and I found this after reading Shatter (which I really enjoyed, and can hardly wait for Render). Speaking of bread, NOTHING is as good without Mancini bread involved. Nothing.
Thank you! I'm also a Pittsburgh export and wanted to use a setting that I knew like the back of my hand for this series. Man, I want Primantis for dinner now. *drool*

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